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For the year ended 31 December Percentage
(HK$'000) 2021 2022 2023 change
   Revenue 7,075,818 8,214,719 5,891,068 -28%
   Gross profit 4,394,574 5,289,594 3,466,028 -34%
   Gross profit margin 62% 64% 59% -8%
   Profit for the year 3,060,831 3,308,155 2,300,938 -30%
   Profit attributable to owners of
  the Company ("Owners")
2,538,495 2,715,374 1,889,247 -30%
   EBITDA1 4,754,563 5,414,715 3,924,133 -28%
   Basic earnings per share (HK cents) 50.25 53.75 37.66 -30%
   Dividend per share (HK cents) 40.0 43.0 28.0
     - Interim (HK cents) 8.0 15.0 10.0
     - Final (Proposed) (HK cents) 32.0 28.0 18.0


As at 31 December Percentage
(HK$'000) 2021 2022 2023 change
   Total assets 24,779,977 23,463,484 22,491,544 -4%
      of which: Cash and cash equivalents and
                            time deposits with original
                            maturity over three months




                      Unpledged bill receivables 1,983,738 1,222,313 87,762 -93%
   Total liabilities (5,631,759) (4,786,265) (4,021,026) -16%
   of which: Total borrowings
   Total equity 19,148,218 18,677,219 18,470,518 -1%
   of which: Equity attributable to Owners 17,300,083 16,768,677 16,281,846 -3%
   Equity per share attributable to Owners (HK$) 3.42 3.32 3.30 -1%
   Current ratio (times)2 2.69 3.23 3.97 +23%
   Gearing ratio3
1. EBITDA is defined as profit before income tax plus finance costs, share of loss of an associate, depreciation and

2. Current ratio is computed from total current assets divided by total current liabilities.
3. Gearing ratio is computed from total borrowings divided by total equity.

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